Resilient Societies Clinic - When Floods Hit The Road: The Impact Of Flooding On Urban Transit And Accessibility (A Case Study Of Kinshasa, DRC)
Date and Time: Thursday, November 19, 2024 | 10:00 am – 11:00 am EST
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This fourth session in the resilient societies clinic explores the physical and economic impacts of the rainy season flooding in Kinshasa on public transport services and accessibility to employment.
This analysis relies on innovative transit feed specification datasets collected under normal and flooded conditions for this study, travel survey data with the traveler's socioeconomic attributed and trip Origin-Destination information as well as high-resolution global flood maps.
By combining and processing these data, we are in a position to assess the commuting delays caused by floods and their opportunity costs, as well as identify the most critical links in the transportation network to minimize travel disruptions in the data.
Bob Kabeya (Project Manager, GoMetro and GoAscendal) will present the public transport survey exercises under dry and flooded conditions in Kinshasa. Paolo Avner (Urban Economist, GFDRR) will present the methodology and results of the study.
About the Guest Speaker
Bob Kabeya is a Congolese Civil Engineer specializing in Transportation Engineering, specifically Urban Mobility and Paratransit Reform. Bob has been working as a project manager and head of data collection at GoMetro then GoAscendal where he led the data collection exercise of several Integrated Public Transport Network projects, as well as city-wide data collections in South Africa. Recently, he completed the data collection for the World Bank resilience studies in Kinshasa in DRC, as well as Arusha, Moshi, Dodoma and Mwanza in Tanzania and he is currently leading the data collection for the World Bank digital innovation project in Southern Africa.
Chair: Nancy Lozano-Gracia, Senior Economist (Urban, Rural and Social Global Practice of the World Bank), Sustainable Development, MENA