
Universal design contributes to an age-friendly society: Good examples from Norwegian municipalities and county councils

Tuesday, 3 November, 2024

Universal design contributes to an age-friendly society: Good examples from Norwegian municipalities and county councils

The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) has created a new booklet with examples of universal design and age-friendly society from Norwegian municipalities and counties.

This new leaflet presents some of the many initiatives carried out by regional and local authorities in Norway, where the purpose is to give everyone better access to outdoor spaces, meeting places, and buildings.

The booklet contains examples from Trondheim Municipality, Oslo Municipality, Kristiansand Municipality, Asker Municipality, and Time Municipality. 

Over the last four years, KS has run a network for municipalities and counties with the theme of universal design. In connection with the efforts of the municipal network for universal design, much good work has been done in the municipalities and counties that participate in that network.

"Universal design is about creating good, inclusive communities where everyone can participate. Age-friendly local communities is a priority initiative from KS, where networks will be starting up in 2019.

Our starting point is that everyone needs universal design. But the Age-friendly local communities initiative has a broader approach that includes a wider part of society and will be carried out in collaboration with various stakeholders.​

This leaflet presents some of the many exciting and innovative initiatives carried out by regional and local Norwegian authorities, where the purpose is to give everyone better access to outdoor spaces, meeting places, and buildings. In our initiative, we also want to create opportunities for everybody to learn from one another so that we can move our work forward to create good, inclusive communities for everyone.

I’m pleased to see that the universal design network for regional and local authorities, chaired by KS for the last four years, will be continued in 2019. The topic is universal design and how to take advantage of “the low-hanging fruits” achieved by others. The national executive committee of KS has adopted a long-term plan for the period 2016 - 2019. These are our overall goals:

  • Inclusive government and democracy
  • A healthy local authority economy
  • Attractive employers
  • Sustainable health and welfare services
  • Inclusive childhood
  • Viable regions, cities, and districts

Working in a local or regional authority, either as an employee or as elected representative, primarily means working for a society that includes everyone.

Let’s create good local communities together!"

Gunn Marit Helgesen, President of KS

Read the full booklet here or download the PDF attached

The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) is the organisation for all local governments in Norway. KS is Norway’s largest public employer organisation. Learn more about KS here:

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Universal design contributes to an age-friendly society: Good examples from Norwegian municipalities and county councils
Submitted 1 year 2 months ago by John Kelley.