In today’s world, many fast-growing cities are highly exposed to disaster and climate-related risks. The frequency and magnitude of urban disaster and climatic events are increasing with an exponential spike in economic losses from disasters in urban centers (UNISDR 2013 and 2011, and IFRC 2010). Many cities around the world have proven that investing in reducing disaster and climatic risks help promote sustainable and resilient socio-economic development. The UNDP Strategic Plan (2018 - 2021) identifies urbanization and community resilience building as one of the priority areas of work. It centeres on a holistic approach of integrating risk management (disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation), climate mitigation, energy sustainability, poverty eradication, improved governance, multi-stakeholder engagement, and community participation for achieving resilient urban development. UNDP has implemented regional, multi-country, and national programmes on urban risk management over the past decade with focused interventions in 75 countries. In addition, UNDP Arab Cities Resilience Project is developing resilience indicators to measure progress of urban resilience building interventions.