SDG Synergies tool announced by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
The SDG Synergies Tool, developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), is now online and working. This is a free online tool to support systems thinking in planning and decision making and you can use it to align your policy, strategy, project, or curriculum of study to the SDGs. You can also use it to align two or more policies or plans to each other, without including the SDGs.
Making effective policy often means balancing sets of highly connected but very diverse targets. Striking the right balance can unlock synergies that bring multiple targets closer. The wrong one can see momentum lost, and progress on one target pushing others out of reach.
SDG Synergies is a practical tool for understanding how groups of policy areas and targets interact, using systems thinking. It was designed originally to support governments in implementing the SDGs, but SDG Synergies can be used within and beyond the field of sustainability. Based on a participatory, discussion-based scoring process, SDG Synergies develops a cross-impact matrix of interactions between all the targets being considered: how progress on one might affect progress on the other, and vice versa.
For more information, read our manual and our experiences applying the tool in Mongolia, Colombia, Sri Lanka, the European Union, the Energy and Mining Sector, and the Education Sector.
The tool can be found here and, if you want to learn how to use it, you can explore the tutorial video and guiding manual. In order to obtain access, please email us at:
Spread the word and share your experiences with the tool by tagging us on Twitter @SEIresearch and @SEIenEspañol and using the hashtag #SDGsynergies.
Learn more on the SDG Synergies Website: