Lisbon partners with Deloitte on COVID-19 response
Post COVID-19 economic resilience roadmap launched
A UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19
Session Report: Culture as the key to unchain the SDGs in cities
Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction Project (UPPR) in Bangladesh

UPPR is one of the largest urban development programmes in the world, which has helped over three million people improve their livelihoods and living conditions in just seven years in Banglade


The “Urban Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh: The UPPR Experience – Documentation of UPPR Leaning and Good Practices’ Study was launched at the Regional Exchange on Urban Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh  workshop on 20 March 2016 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka.

The Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction Project –UPPR – started in March 2008 and completed in August 2015 and was the single largest urban poverty reduction programme in Bangladesh. It supported the improvement of living conditions and livelihoods of 3 million poor and extreme poor, especially women and girls, in 23 towns and cities in Bangladesh.  Funds were provided by UKaid, UNDP, the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) and the beneficiary communities.

The ‘Documentation of UPPR Learning and Good Practices’ was commissioned by UNDP/ UPPR Project to document and disseminate key successes and lessons of the project and to support the sustainability of the achievements by Local Governments Institutions and communities.

This Study is the result from an intense set of complementary activities that were implemented over the research period: extensive literature review; interviews of 21 key institutional informants mirroring the multiplicity of actors involved and; interviews of 100 community leaders and members from each of the 23 cities.

From the lessons learned from the various activities and interviews, 11 practices are selected to illustrate the diversity and wealth of the UPPR project. In addition to practices, the study also demonstrates how UPPR has been quite innovative in introducing various specific planning tools, working methods and governance mechanisms that have been significant contributions to the successes of the project.

The study concludes that the tools and practices developed during UPPR are assets for all those striving for reducing urban poverty.


Image: UPPR and UNDP Banglaesh

UNHCR: Inclusive Cities Education COVID Responses
Response of the City of Medellin in relation to the population of migrants and Covid-19
Measures developed by cities for migrants and refugees during the COVID-19. The case of Larissa.
UNESCO Learning Cities respond to COVID-19 - Webinars
In order to exchange solutions, discuss contingency plans and share distance-learning approaches, members of the UNESCO GNLC will convene webinars organized by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). Non-member cities are also invited to join the online events, share their experiences and learn from other cities.

Many of the 173 UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) members around the world face severe challenges due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). These challenges include a record number of children and youth who are not in school or university because of temporary or indefinite closures mandated by governments in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.

Webinars in April and May

1 April 2024
Topic: "Equity and inclusion"
Region: world

Login Details
Time: 13:00 PM CET Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 599 801 634

8 April 2024
Topic: Family, community support, intergenerational learning and the parental role
Region: World

9 April 2024
Topic: General response to COVID- 19
Region: Latin America / Caribbean

15 April 2024
Topic: Higher education, role of institutions in the response to COVID-19
Region: World

22 April 2024
Topic: Migrants and refugees: Measures taken in the pandemic time
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 626 174 989

23 April 2024
Topic: Francophone countries General response to COVID- 19
Region: Francophone countries
Time: 14:00-15:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 409 625 790

29 April 2024
Topic: Mental health, health, and well-being
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the below link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 557 999 699

6 May 2024
Topic: Distance education
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 941 7298 7853

13 May 2024
Topic: Prison population: Challenges and measures taken in the pandemic time
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 318 256 129

20 May 2024
Topic: New ways of governance, partnership and education
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 889 172 374

27 May 2024
Topic: Economic and social and education recovery
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 169 888 490

3 June 2024
Topic: Human & civil rights protection
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar:, Webinar ID: 557 649 372

10 June 2024
Topic: General response to COVID-19
Region: Arab countries
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar:, Webinar ID: 939 677 151

Summaries of previous webinars:

Video interviews with mayors and further experts of UNESCO learning cities on responses to COVID-19

A Business Fiscal Response to a COVID-19 Recession