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United Nations

28 July 2024UN Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is more than a health crisis; it is an economic crisis, a humanitarian crisis, a security crisis, and a human rights crisis. This crisis has highlighted severe fragilities and inequalities within and among nations. Coming out of this crisis will require a whole-of-society, whole-of-government and whole-of-the-world approach driven by compassion and solidarity.

The UN Secretary-General has launched the UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 to save lives, protect societies, recover better.

As part of the response, the UN Secretary-General is issuing policy briefs to provide ideas to governments on how to address the consequences of this crisis and COVID-19 in an urbanizing world is part of this series.

The Policy Brief describes how cities can manage the pandemic and emerge as the hubs of energy, resilience and innovation that make them such vibrant and appealing places for many to live. It also looks at how the pandemic has exposed deep inequalities in how people live in cities, and how cities serve their residents, with the most vulnerable suffering the most. The Policy Brief calls for conscious policy choices, particularly with respect to inequalities, local capacities and a green, inclusive recovery. The UN agencies involved in writing the Brief included UN-Habitat, UNDP, UNDESA, UNEP, UNICEF, UNODC, ILO, WHO, all Regional Economic Commissions and several local government networks were also engaged in this process.

Download the Policy Brief: COVID-19 in an Urban World here

Find more information about UN Response to COVID-19 here

Find more information about the Policy Brief: COVID-19 in an Urban World at UN-Habitat's website

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